Whitepaper ARTHOUZE Gallery


The NFT market is currently experiencing significant interest from investors across all industries. This is comparable to the introduction of cryptocurrencies in 2009. NFTs came onto the market in 2017 with the free edition of “Crypto Punks”. . A single NFT from this edition has now been sold for a maximum price of USD 7.58 million. The popularity of NFTs increased in April 2021 with the release of the “Bored Apes”. This is undoubtedly the most successful NFT project in terms of community, price performance and fame. We expect NFTs to develop in the same cycles as cryptocurrencies and internet usage (see chart by Prof. Sandner). In 2024 we are in year 7. The truly exponential increase in the valuation of NFTs is therefore still to come in the next few years. Similar to cryptocurrencies, participating in the NFT world is very complex.



The NFT market is currently experiencing significant interest from investors across all sectors. This is comparable to the introduction of cryptocurrencies in 2009. NFTs came onto the market in 2017 with the free issue of “Crypto Punks”. A single NFT from this edition has since been sold at a maximum price of USD 7.58 million. The popularity of NFTs increased in April 2021 with the issue of “Bored Apes”. This is undoubtedly the most successful NFT project in terms of community, price performance and notoriety. We expect NFTs to develop in the same cycles as cryptocurrencies and internet usage (see chart by Prof. Sandner). In 2024, we will be in year 7, so the truly exponential increase in the valuation of NFTs is still to come in the next few years. As with cryptocurrencies, participation in the NFT world is very complex.

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For those interested, this creates a growing PROBLEM regarding:

  • Individual time expenditure
  • Choosing a valuable NFT
  • Risk diversification via NFT holdings
  • Complexity of the market
  • Fraud
  • Liquidity
  • Access to the market etc.



The ARTHOUZE Gallery offers a simple solution!

By purchasing the ARTHOUZE Gallery NFT, the owner becomes a member of the gallery. The main content of the gallery is protected by a token and is only accessible to members.

The NFT can be purchased on our website www.nftarthouze.com for EURO, USD and eight other currencies including ETH.

During the payment process, a personalized wallet will be opened for you if you do not already have one in which the ARTHOUZE Gallery NFT is booked.

Up to 80% of membership fees go towards the expansion of our gallery. Our experienced curators specialize in selecting the most appealing and sustainably successful NFTs on the market. We are committed to diversifying the gallery by acquiring a wide range of NFT categories, from profile pictures to art.

As the market is still evolving very quickly and in all areas, we will consider every opportunity that arises. Our approach includes participating in mintings of NFTs as well as investing in lucrative opportunities that arise in the market.

The remaining potential 20% will be used specifically for the growth of the gallery and our group. This includes, for example, the acquisition of exclusive new NFT projects in various categories, in cooperation with our advisory boards and our network. In addition, a portion will go towards growing our membership and initiatives to increase the perception and awareness of NFTARTHOUZE in the market, ultimately increasing the value of membership.


  • Recurring NFTARTHOUZE networking events (in-person, virtual or hybrid).
  • Invitations to presentations of new NFT projects organized in your region and conducted on-site or virtually by NFTARTHOUZE team members.
  • Custom or curated NFT PLAYLIST to play the NFTs from the ARTHOUZE Gallery on your personal device.
  • Introducing a global NFT event calendar with the most important events such as NFT.NYC and distribution of free tickets on a first come, first served basis.
  • Video or podcast updates about the latest developments in the NFT space.
  • Access to the first membership NFT gallery
Membership NFT Certificate ARTHOUZE Gallery
  • Invitation to participate directly in decisions about new NFTARTHOUZE projects together with our NFT Digital Scouts.
  • Possibility to participate individually in the initial editions of NFT projects that NFTARTHOUZE generates through its curators and digital scouts.
  • Up to 10% of the NFTs from these new projects will be purchased by ARTHOUZE Gallery. This means that all members benefit from these initial editions.
  • Participate in highly exclusive events together with our team, e.g. tickets to famous art exhibitions or participation in red carpet events. This depends on your membership status, which you can find in the status program.
NFT Quiz



Silver status

You can achieve this status with just 1 NFT


  • Participation in raffles for exclusive events.
  • Whitelist space for the next mintings of further ARTHOUZE gallery NFTs.

Gold Status

10 Membership NFTs

Additional benefits:

  • Participation in whitelist raffles for the NFT mintings curated by NFTARTHOUZE and thereby the chance to purchase a hyped project before the public minting.
  • Participation in raffles for highly exclusive events.

Platinum status

25 Membership NFTs

Additional benefits:

  • Guaranteed place on all whitelists for minting projects curated by NFTARTHOUZE.
  • Participation in raffles for extremely exclusive events.
  • Personal access to our curator and the artists.


We will use the Ethereum network to issue the NFTs.

We have limited the number of our memberships to 10,000. Only 10% of these are available for the initial release, 1,000 membership NFTs

The next releases of membership NFTs will be officially announced on our website and via email to existing members.


The ARTHOUZE Gallery NFTs are listed on the digital marketplace OpenSea. More platforms will be added in the future where you can list your NFTs for sale.

We will provide instructions for easy sales processing.

Sleeping Beauty


The first 1,000 membership NFTs will sell for USD 1,300. You can be paid in USD or the equivalent in EUR or ETH.


If you do not yet have a wallet, our service provider Crossmint will open a wallet for you during the payment process and then manage it for you. It is possible to transfer the NFT to another wallet at any time.



80% of membership NFTs are sold to the public.

20% of the ARTHOUZE Gallery NFTs will be taken over by the NFTARTHOUZE management.

Royalties on the secondary market: 2%

20% of gallery revenue remains with NFTARTHOUZE.


  • You become a member of the first integrated NFT gallery community with exclusive participation in highly interesting NFT projects.
  • If you sign up with one or more NFTs, you can leave the rest to us.
  • Diversify your NFT portfolio.
  • Participation in raffles for exclusive events with hard-to-find tickets.
  • Direct access to lucrative top NFT projects via our artists and film partners.
  • Show your personal selection of NFT playlists on your device.
  • Your membership can be traded on the OpenSea digital marketplace.