ARTHOUZE Members Community Gallery

We don’t meet on Discord or X, we meet in the Community Gallery.

Here you can use your personal avatar to exchange ideas with up to fifty other avatars from the community, discuss new digital art and contact the curator personally.

A unique and new experience for all members.

Dario Pineda

It is a great idea, to become part of a new market without prior knowledge, by just buying a membership.

Danny, Ohio

I like the Playlist, never seen this before.

Sabine, Frankfurt

I like my own Avatar in the gallery. Makes it more personal talking to other members.

Andi, Berlin

I’ve never had a wallet before. I was a bit unsure. But it’s much easier than expected and it all worked out and works smoothly.

Henry, Lyon

My friends love the playlist on my wallscreen in the living room. It won´t take long and they join as members as well.

Karin, Chicago

I like the concept, that i can use NFTs exclusively that are way more expensive then my membership.

Helena, Bratislava


In future, you can set the speed of the picture change individually for your respective end device.

e.g. hourly for the mobile phone and daily for the wall screen.

  • 3 Minutes

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Weekly


In future, you can set the speed of the picture change individually for your respective end device.

e.g. hourly for the mobile phone and daily for the wall screen.

  • 3 Minutes

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Weekly


Select your personal favourites from the gallery and show them on a display of your choice.

The timing of the image changes can be individually selected analogue to the pre-selected playlist.

One of many ways to present your personalised playlist:

NFT Home3 ARTHOUZE Gallery
NFTARTHOUZE eng banner 970x90

Under NEWS we will always provide brief information when new opportunities to take part in prize draws arise. Here, members have the opportunity to familiarise themselves in detail with future events. Among other things, we have the following topics in mind:



  • Tickets for high-calibre events such as
    • Cannes Film Festival

    • BAFTA
    • Billboard Music Awards
    • Berlinale
  • Tickets to various Fashion Weeks

  • Invitations from NFTARTHOUZE Digital Scouts to participate in new projects in order to be able to participate in first editions on an individual basis.
  • Regional events with NFTARTHOUZE and artists from the digital art scene.