How NFTs Avoid Cryptocorrelation

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have emerged as a distinct asset class within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem, exhibiting unique characteristics that often allow them to avoid strong correlation with traditional cryptocurrencies. How NFTs Avoid Cryptocorrelation ? This phenomenon has attracted attention from investors and researchers alike, as it presents potential diversification opportunities.

Correlation Patterns

Recent studies have shown that NFTs generally display low correlation with major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This low correlation is particularly noteworthy given that many NFTs are built on blockchain platforms that use these cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum. Several factors contribute to this reduced correlation:

  1. Unique Value Propositions:  Unlike cryptocurrencies, which primarily serve as digital currencies or stores of value, NFTs represent ownership of unique digital or physical assets. This fundamental difference in purpose and utility helps insulate NFTs from some of the market forces affecting cryptocurrencies.
  2. Diverse Market Drivers: The NFT market is influenced by factors distinct from those affecting cryptocurrencies. These include artistic merit, cultural significance, and scarcity of specific digital assets.
  3. Specialized Trading Behavior: Research indicates that NFT traders tend to specialize, with at least 73% of their transactions occurring within a specific NFT category. This specialization may contribute to market segmentation and reduced correlation with broader crypto trends.

Empirical Evidence

Quantitative analyses have provided empirical support for the low correlation between NFTs and cryptocurrencies:

  • A study using the volatility spillover matrix approach found very limited spillover between NFTs and cryptocurrency markets.
  • Another analysis reported correlation coefficients around 0.3 between play-to-earn/metaverse tokens (closely related to NFTs) and the broader cryptocurrency market, indicating weak connection.

Implications for Investors

The low correlation between NFTs and cryptocurrencies offers potential benefits for portfolio diversification:

  1. Risk Management: Including NFTs in a crypto-heavy portfolio may help mitigate overall volatility and risk.
  2. Uncorrelated Returns: NFTs can potentially provide returns that are less dependent on general cryptocurrency market movements.

How NFTs avoid Cryptocorrelation – Some Examples

  1. Art-based NFTs: NFTs representing digital artwork derive their value from factors like artistic merit and cultural significance, rather than broader cryptocurrency market trends.
  2. Membership NFTs: NFTs tied to unique value proposition, limited supply, community-driven value and utility-based demand tend to be influenced by those factors, not by cryptocurrency movements.
  3. Gaming NFTs: NFTs tied to play-to-earn gaming themes tend to be driven by the intrinsic value of the gaming NFT. As better the performance as lesser the correlation to any cryptocurrency movements.


In conclusion, NFTs have demonstrated an ability to avoid strong correlation with cryptocurrencies. Therefore, offering potential diversification benefits for investors.