• Why buying Gaming NFTs? – Basically, this article is for all of you who have heard about it, set it aside, but would like to know how non-gamers can participate in value enhancement in this newly developed trend.

1) Some financials of the gaming industry

  • 2.6 billion global gamers
  • Video Gaming & eSports revenue 2024: $455 billion (10% growth rate expected)
  • Total gaming industry is bigger than the combined sports, music, and movie industries
  • Blockchain gaming revenues 2023: $150 billion, expected to reach $600 billion by 2030

2) Differences and advantages of blockchain games compared to traditional games

After all, the gaming industry has evolved significantly in recent years, and one of the most exciting developments is the introduction of blockchain games. These games utilize blockchain technology to create new opportunities for players and developers. Here are the key differences and advantages of blockchain games compared to traditional games:

1. Ownership and trading of in-game assets Blockchain Games:

True Ownership:

    • Players own in-game assets in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These digital assets are unique and can be traded, sold, or used in other games.

    • Trading and Monetization: Players can trade their acquired or created assets on marketplaces and convert them into fiat currency. This allows players to actually earn money from their in-game efforts.

Traditional Games:

    • Centralized Ownership: In traditional games, all in-game assets remain owned by the game developer. Players cannot trade or monetize these assets outside the game.
    • Limited Monetization: While players can make in-game purchases, these expenses are typically “sunk costs” as they have no resale value
    • Play-to-Earn (P2E) ModelBlockchain Games:

    • Earning through Play: Blockchain games offer a play-to-earn model where players earn cryptocurrencies or tokens for their in-game achievements. A well-known example is Axie Infinity, where players can earn money through battles and trading Axies.
    • Economic Incentives: This model creates economic incentives for players that go beyond mere entertainment value and makes gaming a potential source of income.

Traditional Games:

    • Pure Entertainment: Traditional games primarily offer entertainment and have no mechanisms for earning money through gameplay.
    • No Economic Incentives: Players invest time and money into the game without a way to recoup those investments.
    • 2. Decentralization and Transparency Blockchain Games:

    • Decentralized Platforms: For instance, Blockchain games are often built on decentralized platforms, meaning no central authority has control. This promotes transparency and fairness in gaming.
    • Verifiable Fairness: By utilizing smart contracts and blockchain technology, players can be assured that the game is fair and tamper-proof.

Traditional Games:

    • Centralized Control: Obviously, traditional games are controlled by central authorities that make all decisions and set the game mechanics.
    • Less Transparency: For that reason, players must trust developers to ensure the game is fair, as they have no insight into the underlying mechanisms.
    • 3. Community-Driven Development Blockchain Games:

    • User-Generated Content: Therefore, Blockchain games often encourage content creation by players themselves. Players can design virtual worlds, organize in-game events, and actively contribute to game development.
    • Voice in Governance: Additionally, some blockchain games allow players to participate in game governance by owning tokens and voting on future developments.

Traditional Games:

    • Developer-Driven Content: As a result, in traditional games, content is primarily created by developers, and players have little to no influence on game development.
    • No Participation in Decision-Making: Although, players have no way to participate in decision-making processes or influence the direction of the game.

4. Conclusion

Therefore, Blockchain games offer several advantages over traditional games, also including true ownership of in-game assets, additionally the ability to earn money through gameplay, besides increased transparency and fairness, and after all greater community involvement in game development. All of a sudden, these benefits make blockchain games an exciting and innovative addition to the gaming industry.

3) Top 5 rising blockchain games

4) Why buying gaming NFTs and how participate in blockchain games as a non-gamer?

Consequently, ARTHOUZE Gallery has reserved a share in its portfolio for play-to-earn NFT games. Particulary, access for players to utilize the NFTs is free. Specifically, by successfully playing the gaming NFTs, their value increases. All in all, NFTARTHOUZE and the gamers share the value increase. Another key point, gamers receive their payments in ETH or FIAT. Above all, players can engage with gaming NFTs 24/7, they statistically increase the value by a factor of 4, which no individual gamer could achieve alone. Therefore, ARTHOUZE Gallery members benefit from the value increase of the gaming NFTs through their membership without having to contribute themselves.

#Why buying Gaming NFTS?
Juergen Barthel, 08/08/24