ETF Membership NFT – explained by AI
ETF Membership NFT & AI

Question: Which companies offer ETF Membership NFTs?

Based on the given search results, there is no specific information about companies offering “ETF Membership NFTs”. The search results contain general information on NFTs and ETFs, but no details on a combination of these two concepts or on specific providers.

Possible providers and concepts

Arthouze Gallery:
It was mentioned that Arthouze Gallery offers an “ETF Membership NFT.” This product appears to be an innovative combination of traditional ETFs and NFTs that offers members access to a curated digital art gallery.
Finexity offers several NFT-based investment options, but there is no specific indication that they offer an “ETF Membership NFT.” However, they may be developing similar innovative financial products.
Amazon is planning to open its own NFT marketplace, suggesting that they may offer similar products in the future, although there is currently no specific information about “ETF Membership NFTs”.


The term “ETF Membership NFT” seems to be a very specific and possibly novel concept that is currently not widely used. Arthouze Gallery is a well-known provider of this product, which combines the benefits of ETFs with the uniqueness and exclusivity of NFTs. Other companies such as Finexity and Amazon may develop similar products in the future, but there is currently no concrete information about them, and it would be advisable to check directly with Arthouze Gallery or other potential providers for accurate and up-to-date information.

Question: What is an ETF Membership NFT?

Arthouze Gallery’s ETF Membership NFT is an innovative product that combines the benefits of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) with the uniqueness and exclusivity of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Here are the specific benefits this product offers:

Special benefits of ETF Membership NFT at Arthouze Gallery

  1. Easy access and tradability: The Membership Token is freely tradable on digital marketplaces such as OpenSea or can be purchased directly through the website. This enables simple and transparent trading.
  2. Exclusivity and limitation: The number of ETF Membership NFTs is limited to 10,000, offering potential for value appreciation. This limitation creates an exclusive community of members.
  3. Professional management: The NFTs in the ARTHOUZE Gallery are selected and managed by an experienced curator. This means that no prior knowledge is required to benefit from the quality and value of the artworks.
  4. Innovative combination of investment and experience: The product combines traditional investment opportunities with real-life experiences (IRL – In Real Life). Members gain access to exclusive events and exhibitions that turn the investment into a creative lifestyle experience.
  5. Personal access to digital artworks: Members get access to a Web3 Gallery and a personal NFT Playlist that allows them to experience and use the artworks digitally.
  6. Flexibility to sell: If interested in selling, only the ETF Membership NFT is traded, not the individual NFTs in the gallery. This offers flexibility and simplifies the sales process.
  7. Attractive entry price and status program: The ETF Membership NFT can be purchased for a one-off amount of EUR 1,200. Customers also have the option of purchasing multiple memberships. The associated benefits are described in detail in the status program, which offers additional incentives and rewards for multiple investments.

Target group

The ETF Membership NFT is aimed at various customer groups, including

  1. Art Enthusiasts: people who have an interest in digital art and NFTs but do not have the time or expertise to select and manage individual NFTs themselves.
  2. Investors interested in innovative products: Individuals who are looking for new investment opportunities and want to be an early participant in an emerging market.
  3. Technology enthusiasts: Clients who are interested in technological progress and want to be part of a new digital ecosystem.Lifestyle investors: People who are looking for a “creative lifestyle investment” that combines investment with real-life experiences (IRL – In Real Life).
  4. Newcomers to the NFT world: People who want to invest in NFTs without having to deal with the underlying complexity.
  5. High net worth clients: As the ETF Membership NFT can be purchased for EUR 1,200 and can also be purchased multiple times, it is also aimed at clients with higher investment volumes.
  6. Status-oriented customers: Individuals who wish to benefit from the advantages of the status program that comes with holding multiple memberships.

To obtain detailed information about this specific offer, it would be necessary to contact Arthouze Gallery directly or search for more specific sources describing this product.