NFTs explained – Links & Glossary & Guidance

NFTs explained – Links & Glossary & Guidance

NFTs explained – Links & Glossary & Guidance

At Arthouze Gallery we have our NFT explained, FaQ & Glossary section at the bottom of our website, with focus on the most common questions for guidance, or just click here to get there:

In addition we want to present some links to other websites to ensure you have additional guidance to crucial information, here we go, NFTs explained Links & more:




Forbes:             What Is An NFT? – Forbes Advisor

The Verge:        NFTs, explained: what they are and why they’re suddenly worth millions – The Verge


Some of the most frequently asked questions are attached here:

Why should I own NFTs and not just physical art?

It’s not about choosing between different options, it’s about discovering the different benefits. You can either visit a gallery on site or stream the NFTs from the ARTHOUZE gallery to your personal device, wherever you are. This gives you the opportunity to present the NFTs on a wall screen in your living room. The selection of images shown can be changed at any time.

The ARTHOUZE Gallery brings art and entertainment to your home, just like streaming TV brings movies to your home.

What is an ETF Membership NFT ™ ?

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fungible. This means that the 10,000 memberships of the ARTHOUZE Gallery are identical and can be traded at any time. To use the membership rights, it is not necessary to buy or sell the ARTHOUZE Gallery NFTs individually. Only the Membership. An ETF Membership NFT ™ offers the advantage that you can buy and sell several memberships at any time. This, without having to purchase or sell individual NFTs, as these remain in the ARTHOUZE Gallery. An ETF Membership NFT ™ thus offers simple, innovative and individual access to the NFT asset class. Without any other complexity.

What do I own with an NFT?

With an NFT, you typically own a unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific item, artwork, collectible or digital content. Owning an NFT grants you certain rights, which may vary depending on the NFT and the conditions attached to it.


Have fun,


By |2024-07-15T11:09:58+00:00June 11th, 2024|DE, EN|Comments Off on NFTs explained – Links & Glossary & Guidance

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